Hello and welcome.

2024 Exhibitions

The Pastel Society 24th January-10th Feb, 10-5 pm in Mall galleries, London.

Cambridge Open Studios with Joe Dean. In Studio 5 , Stapleford Granary, Stapleford. 20/21, 27/28 July, 10-5 pm.

Please take a look around and use the contact me page for any enquiries about paintings or comments you may have. You are very welcome to view any work in my studio by arrangement. All work is sorted into sections of charcoals, pastels, etchings and prints. Seventeen of my works have made pre-selection in the Pastel Society, Society of portrait painters and the SWA. Four have made the final selection to be exhibited and two sold in the Mall Galleries, London.

I use Unison pastels in all my pastel work. They are based in Northumberland National park. I was very pleased to be selected to represent the Unison brand as an Associate artist, it’s a great honour to join some other amazing artists in their team. www.unisoncolour.com